A Win Win Win Win Situation

 In Blog

A few years ago, I was in talks with several funeral homes in Missouri about sponsoring my speaking programs. This funeral home had some very proactive ad campaigns encouraging sober driving, etc. Truly, for a funeral home, they were cutting edge.

While in talks with the powers that be, I wanted to use the term, “A win-win situation”…but that’s so ridiculously overused, isn’t it? So, instead of “win-win”, indicating only two winners, I offered them a “win win win win winsituation.” In this case, not only do I get the business, they get the advertising, the students get the programs, the public raises it’s awareness, etc. etc. etc.

Well, yesterday I walked into another win win win win situation…

I’m big on chairitable organizations-especially those which help children. While in St. Louis the past few years, I was a proud member of the Kirkwood Rotary Club, helping to eliminate polio worldwide.

Yesterday, I signed my petition to jointhe Bahia Shrine here in Orlando. Yup, you got it! Your old pal, Marcus, is going to be one of the guys who wears the funny red hats(that’s the Shriner’s, not the red hat ladies).

What is The Shrine? A fraternal organization based entirely around supporting the Shriner’s orthapedic and burn hospitals. Big money goes to help these hospitals provide free services for children with orthapedic and/or severe burns. And get that? The treatment is free. Not only treatment, but transportation, too. As you walk in the Bahia Shrine, there are big posters of kids with big grins showing off new prosthetics, crutches, etc. No kid should ever have to endure physical disabilities, but when their care is free? Yeah, that probably helps make a bad situation just a little better.

Where does the win win win win situation come in? The comradery and fraternal aspects of Freemasonry and The Shrine. The Shrine will mark the fifth fraternal organization to which I belong-and the one with the most money going directly to helping the less fortunate. I get networking and friends, the kids get the treatment they need. I find an org I’ll enjoy, and the parents of the kids with disabilities have less to worry about-it’s a win win win win situation…and one I’m looking forward to continuing for life!

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