Ultra Unfair

I’ve never run a marathon. Or a half marathon. Or a 10K. Or a 5K, for that matter.

Truthfully, I actively avoid running. However, I have great admiration (and a bit of awe) for those who embrace running as a source of mental and physical health.

I’ve done some reading about ultra marathoners who run 100-mile races…intentionally?! It’s beyond my scope of comprehension.

This past week found me in Georgia with the honor of keynoting for the Georgia EMS Association. While there, I met a paramedic with a story that blew my mind.

Not only is this gent an ultra-marathoner, but he’s a survivor of a brain tumor, melanoma AND an aneurysm. He’s also just 39.

As he was telling me part of his story, it struck me as unfair. He’s out there doing all these uber healthy things – and it didn’t prevent life-threatening events from affecting him – and at such a young age.

Have you ever experienced something like this? You’re trying to do something good – you are fully vested in doing it “right” for yourself or others and BLAM! everything goes crazy. It doesn’t seem “fair.”

And truth is – I believe it’s not “fair.” 
It’s life. 

For someone who has suffered because of another’s choice, I can’t afford to get caught up in feelings of fairness. Or lack thereof.

I’ve learned first-hand, some of the most traumatic things happen to the most innocent (and their families).

If you are suffering now… and maybe feeling like you don’t know why – you tried all you knew to “get it right…” Please remember one, you’re not alone. And two,  it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Life just happens.

And if you are reading this right now – your story isn’t over. There is the opportunity to find hope and even healing in the worst of situations. And that may (and probably does) mean taking it one tiny little step at a time.

But I promise – you can get there…even if it feels like an ultramarathon.

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