Introducing the New Puppy on Tuesday!

 In Blog

At 7pm EST on Tuesday, Jan. 31, just a few days from now, I’ll be “unveiling” my new Seeing Eye dog via Facebook Live. This will ONLY be available on the Marcus Engel Speaker pro page:

Just “like” the page and look for this annoucement on Tuesday, starting at 7pm EST!

I’ll address one burning question on everyone’s mind now, and answer additional questions Tuesday on FB Live!

I received this new dog on January 4th. The Seeing Eye, Inc., in Morristown, New Jersey, is where I spent around three weeks training with the new pooch. This is dog #4 for me, so having had three previous dogs, I’ve learned a few things…

In each class, there are around 20 folks who are blind who are also training with their new dogs. In each class I’ve been in, there are usually at least one or two people who, for a variety of reasons, do not complete the training period. Sometimes, this is just due to the person learning that a dog is not a good option for them. This usually happens with first timers. It happened in this January class, too. Every once in a while, the dog/person match just doesn’t work. Maybe the dog is too strong for the person, maybe the person walks too slowly for the dog, stuff like that. This, too, happened in my class. But, instead of going home dogless, trainers found another dog for this student…a match that really seemed to work better.

I held off on announcing anything about the dog until I was as sure as I could be that we would, indeed, be working together. After nearly three weeks of training in Jersey, and now with nearly a week at home, I’m pretty confident his dog is going to work.

If you have questions, we can address them on Facebook Live on Tuesday, just comment or e-mail me. Happy to address as many of the inquiries as possible!

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