Is This The Silver Lining When Someone Dies?

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I’m lucky. I’m 38 years old and both my parents are still living. Not just alive, but really living.

I have way, way too many friends who lost a parent early. Untimely deaths are a reality, but they still suck. Maybe with age I’m getting more philosophical and learning to appreciate more. Or, maybe it’s just that I know none of us are getting any younger and we should live each day to the fullest. But, if the world works correctly we, as the children of our parents, will be alive when they pass away. In horribly unfortunate circumstances, parents bury their children.

One of my college friends, Laura, just lost her father. I never had the pleasure of meeting her dad, but since she’s roughly the same age as me, I’ve gotta figure he is roughly the same age as my folks. There’s been a great outpouring of support and love on Laura’s Facebook page, but one particular person posted one of those truths worth sharing.

“It’s always tough to lose a parent. Cherish those stories of your dad that you’ll be hearing over the next few days.”

So much truth in that. And, maybe it’s the only silver lining when anyone dies, parent or not.

If we’re engaged with life and love other people, we are going to hurt when loved ones pass away. I think Laura’s friends words are good for all of us to remember when a life inevitably ends.

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